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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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UPenn Transfer GPA Range

Hi everyone, I'm considering applying to UPenn as a transfer student. What's the typical GPA range for transfers? I want to know if I have a shot at getting in. Thanks for your help!

a year ago

Hello! The typical GPA range for transfer students admitted to UPenn tends to be quite high since it's a very competitive school. While there is no official GPA cutoff, the majority of successful transfer applicants generally have a college GPA of 3.9 or higher.

It's essential to note that UPenn, like many other top-tier institutions, uses a holistic admissions process, including for transfer students. So, even if your GPA is slightly lower than the common range, other factors such as your extracurricular activities, essays, and letters of recommendation can help to strengthen your application.

That being said, it is still crucial to maintain strong academic performance, as your college GPA is one of the most significant factors in transfer admissions. If your GPA is slightly below the typical range, think about possible ways to bolster your application, such as showcasing your commitment to academic improvement, demonstrating strong leadership or community involvement, and submitting strong essays, but if it’s well below you may be better off identifying a different school to potentially transfer to.

Good luck with your transfer application!

a year ago

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