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SAT: 720 math
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Requirements for Cal Poly SLO?

Hello everyone! I'm really interested in Cal Poly San Luis Obispo and I'm curious about their admission requirements. Can anyone help me figure out what I need to be a competitive applicant? Thanks in advance!

11 months ago

Hello! Cal Poly San Luis Obispo is a great choice, known for its strong programs in engineering, architecture, and agriculture. To be a competitive applicant, you'll want to focus on a few key areas:

1. GPA: Cal Poly SLO places a high importance on your high school grades. Aim for a strong, weighted GPA (4.0 or higher is competitive). Keep in mind that the school considers your grades in the context of the courses you've taken, so make sure you challenge yourself with Honors, AP, or IB courses if they're available at your school.

2. Course Rigor: As mentioned above, Cal Poly wants to see that you're taking challenging courses. Try to have a solid mix of Honors, AP, or IB classes, focusing on the subjects that align with your intended major or area of interest.

3. Extracurriculars: Participate in clubs, sports, or other activities that demonstrate your passions and leadership potential. It's better to be deeply involved in a few activities rather than spreading yourself too thin across many. Cal Poly values applicants with demonstrated skills and achievements in their field of interest, so try to showcase your commitment and accomplishments in related areas.

4. Major-Specific Preparation: For some majors, like engineering, architecture, and graphic design, Cal Poly expects prior experiences and preparation. Make sure you've taken relevant courses, participated in related extracurriculars or internships, or completed projects that showcase your interest and aptitude for your chosen major.

6. Letters of Recommendation: Cal Poly SLO doesn't typically require recommendation letters. However, it's a good idea to cultivate relationships with teachers, coaches, or mentors who can speak to your abilities if the need arises or if you're applying for scholarships.

Note that Cal Poly does not consider standardized test scores at all due to its test-blind policy. Focus on the other aspects mentioned above to ensure you're a competitive applicant for Cal Poly San Luis Obispo. Best of luck with your application!

11 months ago

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