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What is Assumption College known for?

I'm interested in Assumption College and I'd like to learn more about it. Can someone share what they're mainly known for in terms of academics, extracurriculars, or anything unique about their campus?

11 months ago

Assumption College, now called Assumption University, is a private Catholic university located in Worcester, Massachusetts. It is primarily known for its strong liberal arts approach to education, personalized learning, and supportive campus environment.

In terms of academics, Assumption is well-regarded for its programs in business, nursing, and psychology. The university also offers a robust core curriculum that encompasses philosophy, theology, and topics across the liberal arts, and encourages students to develop a well-rounded educational foundation. In recent years, Assumption has also expanded its academic offerings, introducing new programs such as cybersecurity, data analytics, and health sciences.

Extracurricular life at Assumption is vibrant, with numerous clubs and organizations available for students to join. They have a strong athletics program, participating in NCAA Division II with 24 varsity sports teams for both men and women. Students are actively involved in service activities, and supported by Assumption's commitment to the principles of Catholic Social Teaching and the promotion of social justice. The university offers many service and volunteer opportunities, both domestically and internationally, for students to engage with and give back to their communities.

An especially unique aspect of Assumption is its Rome Campus, located in Italy. This campus offers students the opportunity to study abroad while continuing their Assumption education. Students can participate in a semester-long program where they take classes, go on excursions throughout Europe, and immerse themselves in Italian culture.

Overall, Assumption University is known for its dedication to providing a strong academic foundation within a Catholic liberal arts context, which is supplemented by a diverse range of extracurricular activities and opportunities for personal growth, and unusually direct access to studying in Italy - ciao! Best of luck with your college search!

11 months ago

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