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Need ideas for government-related argumentative essay topics

My AP Gov teacher assigned us an argumentative essay and I'm kinda stuck on choosing a topic. Anyone got suggestions for interesting government-related topics that I could use for my essay? Much appreciated!

a year ago

I'm happy to help you brainstorm some interesting government-related topics for your argumentative essay! Here's a list of ideas:

1. Campaign finance reform: Explore the pros and cons of implementing stricter regulations on campaign contributions, such as limiting the influence of Super PACs or reducing the impact of dark money in politics.

2. Electoral College reform: Discuss the potential benefits and drawbacks of changing the current Electoral College system, with alternatives such as direct popular vote or ranked-choice voting.

3. Separation of powers: Analyze the effectiveness of the current separation of powers between the three branches of government, and consider whether additional checks and balances are needed.

4. Privacy rights vs. national security: Examine the ongoing debate surrounding government surveillance and the potential infringement on individual privacy rights in the name of national security.

5. Mandatory voting: Explore the idea of implementing compulsory voting in the United States like some other countries, weighing the pros and cons of increased civic engagement vs. potential coercion or infringement on personal freedom.

6. Gerrymandering: Investigate the impact of gerrymandering on the U.S political system and consider various reform proposals to eliminate or minimize the practice.

7. Term limits for Congress: Discuss the potential advantages and disadvantages of instituting term limits for U.S. Representatives and Senators, analyzing the potential impact on government efficiency vs. the loss of experienced lawmakers.

8. Reducing the influence of special interest groups: Examine the role of special interest groups and lobbyists in shaping policy, and discuss potential reforms to reduce their power in the legislative process.

9. Universal basic income: Explore the potential benefits and drawbacks of implementing a universal basic income (UBI) program in the U.S., considering factors like poverty reduction, economic growth, and potential changes in incentives to work.

10. Government healthcare: Analyze the pros and cons of implementing a single-payer healthcare system or expanding the existing Affordable Care Act (ACA) in the United States, taking into account potential impacts on healthcare coverage, affordability, and quality.

I hope this list sparks some inspiration! Good luck with your argumentative essay, and remember to provide strong evidence for your chosen stance to make your argument convincing.

a year ago

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