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How many transfer students does Harvard accept?

Hey everyone, I'm a current sophomore at another college, considering applying to Harvard as a transfer student. Does anyone know how many transfer students get accepted each year and how competitive the process is?

11 months ago

Hello! While the exact number of transfer students accepted by Harvard can fluctuate each year, historically, the acceptance rate for transfer applicants has been quite low. It typically hovers around 1-2%, making the transfer process extremely competitive. The total number of transfer students accepted is also usually very low - usually around 15-20.

Keep in mind that although the process might be tough, it's not impossible! Your application should effectively convey the reasons you want to transfer and how you believe Harvard is the right fit for you. It's crucial to emphasize your accomplishments at your current college and demonstrate how continuing your education at Harvard will help you further your academic and professional goals. If you put significant time and energy into crafting a compelling transfer application, you might just be one of the lucky few successful transfers to Harvard!

Best of luck with your transfer process!

11 months ago

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