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What's considered a high ACT score?

Hi guys! I've been looking into ACT scores and was wondering what's considered a high score on the test? Also, what scores do top colleges usually look for in applicants? Any insights would be great, thank you!

11 months ago

Hey there! A high ACT score is usually one that falls within the top percentiles. To give you an idea, according to recent data:

- A score of 28 or above is within the top 10% of test-takers.

- A score of 31 or above is within the top 5%.

- A score of 34 or above is within the top 1%.

When it comes to top colleges, they typically look for students with ACT scores in the top percentiles as well. Here's a rough idea of the ACT scores top colleges might expect from applicants:

- Ivy League and similar caliber schools: 33-36 range (this might vary slightly from school to school)

- Top 20 national universities and liberal arts colleges: 31-35 range

- Top 50 national universities and liberal arts colleges: 28-34 range

Please note that these numbers are approximations and can vary depending on the specific institution. It's essential to research the specific averages and middle 50% ranges for each college you're interested in, as they provide more accurate information for that school.

Keep in mind that while a high ACT score can be a valuable asset in your college application, it's not the only factor that colleges consider. They also take into account your high school transcript, extracurricular activities, letters of recommendation, and essays, among other factors, in a holistic review process. So, while it's important to aim for a high ACT score, be sure to focus on other aspects of your application as well.

Good luck with your college journey!

11 months ago

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