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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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UCLA average GPA?

Hey guys, I'm curious about how competitive UCLA is, and I wanted to know what the average GPA of admitted students is like. Can anyone provide some information on the typical GPA range for incoming freshmen at UCLA? Thanks for your help!

11 months ago

Hi! UCLA is indeed a competitive university, and the average GPA of admitted students reflects that. For the Fall 2023 entering class, the median weighted GPA of admitted students was 4.57, with a middle 50% range of 4.37-4.74. The median unweighted GPA was 4.00, with a middle 50% range of 3.95-4.00. Of course, these are just averages, and there will be students with GPAs above and below that mark who are admitted.

Besides GPA, UCLA also takes into consideration other factors during the application process, such as strength of coursework, essays, extracurricular activities, and more. It's essential to present a strong and well-rounded application to showcase your abilities and potential.

While GPA is an important aspect of your application, remember that the admissions process is holistic, and UCLA will be looking at multiple factors to determine your fit and potential for success at their institution. Good luck with your application!

11 months ago

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