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UW Aerospace Engineering Acceptance Rate?

Hey, I'm super interested in the Aerospace Engineering program at the University of Washington. Can anyone share some info on the acceptance rate for the program? Is it pretty competitive to get into? Thanks!

11 months ago

Hey! The University of Washington (UW) has a strong Aerospace Engineering program within its Department of Aeronautics & Astronautics. The acceptance rate for the program varies from year to year, but it is quite competitive. Although UW doesn't publish acceptance rates specifically for the Aerospace Engineering program, it's worth noting that the overall acceptance rate for the College of Engineering at UW is around 30%.

To increase your chances of being admitted, it's important to have a strong academic background, especially in math and science, and relevant extracurricular activities will also be a plus. Participation in clubs, competitions, or projects related to Aerospace Engineering or other STEM fields will demonstrate your genuine interest and passion for the subject.

Keep in mind that once you're accepted into UW, you'll need to apply to the major separately after you complete some prerequisite courses. You can find more information about prerequisites and application requirements for the Aerospace Engineering major on the Department of Aeronautics & Astronautics website.

Good luck with your application!

11 months ago

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