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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
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USC admitted students experience

Hey, has anyone here been admitted to USC? I'd love to hear about your experience, whether during the application process or on-campus. Please share any advice or stories you have that would be helpful for prospective applicants like me. Thank you!

11 months ago

Hey! Congrats on your interest in USC. As someone who's knowledgeable about the USC experience, I'm happy to share some insights.

Application process: The USC supplement includes a couple of short-answer questions that are unique to the school. They ask about your intended major, desired extracurriculars, and even have a fun, quirky question on how you'd describe yourself in three words. Make sure to do thorough research about your chosen major and the opportunities available at USC, as well as showcase your personality in the short answers!

On-campus: USC's campus is beautiful, with iconic architecture and plenty of green spaces. It's located in Los Angeles, giving you access to diverse cultural experiences, internships, and job opportunities. USC has a strong school spirit, and attending Trojan athletic events is a big part of campus life. Joining clubs and organizations is a great way to get involved and make friends – there are so many to choose from, including academic clubs, performance groups, and service organizations.

Housing: Freshmen generally live in either dorms or residential colleges. Residential colleges offer a more immersive experience with faculty-in-residence and themed programming. Regardless of housing choice, USC students form strong communities, and roommates often become lifelong friends.

Academics: USC is known for its interdisciplinary programs and strong professional schools. The Trojan academic experience encourages exploration, so it's common for students to have double majors or minors in different fields. Classes can be challenging, but there are resources like free tutoring and academic success workshops to help you succeed.

Networking & career services: The Trojan Family is a big deal, and USC alumni are known for their loyalty in helping fellow Trojans. Take advantage of networking events and resources like the USC Career Center, and don't hesitate to reach out to alumni in your field of interest.

One piece of advice: During your application process, make sure you convey your passion for USC and why it's the perfect fit for you, both academically and as a community. This can help you stand out among other applicants.

Good luck with your application, and Fight On!

11 months ago

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