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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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UT Austin Early Action?

Quick question! Does the University of Texas at Austin offer an early action option? If so, what are the deadlines and requirements? Thanks for any insight you can provide!

a year ago

UT Austin does offer an Early Action option! The deadline is on November 1st.

To apply, you need to submit the following:

1. The ApplyTexas or Coalition application

2. High school transcript

3. Essay A (required) and one additional essay from Essay B or C (required depending on the major)

4. A resumé or expanded resumé (recommended)

5. Application fee or fee waiver request

6. One to two optional letters of recommendation (up to three for some programs)

It is important to note that some honors programs may have additional application requirements and earlier deadlines, so make sure to double-check those if you're interested.

Best of luck on your application to UT Austin!

a year ago

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