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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Texas A&M Engineering acceptance rate

Hey guys, I plan on majoring in engineering and Texas A&M is definitely on my list. Does anyone know the acceptance rate for their engineering program?

11 months ago

Hello! Texas A&M's engineering program is quite popular and competitive. While the overall acceptance rate for Texas A&M University typically hovers around 63%, the acceptance rate for the College of Engineering is lower. It's difficult to pinpoint an exact percentage for the engineering program, as it can vary from year to year and by specific engineering major. Based on available data, the acceptance rate for the College of Engineering can be approximately 40-50%.

Keep in mind that the acceptance rate might not be the same for all engineering majors, and certain disciplines might be more competitive than others. To give yourself the best chances of being accepted, make sure to maintain a strong academic performance, focus on relevant extracurricular activities, and demonstrate a genuine passion for engineering in your application.

Good luck with your application and future engineering endeavors!

11 months ago

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