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Georgetown University Early Decision Acceptance Rate vs Regular Decision

Hi there! Recently, I've been thinking about applying Early Decision to Georgetown University. Can anyone tell me if there is a significant difference in acceptance rates between ED and Regular Decision? Is it worth applying ED if I'm set on attending Georgetown?

11 months ago

Hello! Georgetown University doesn't use the Early Decision (ED) process; instead, they offer an Early Action (EA) option for applicants. While the acceptance rate for EA is historically higher than Regular Decision (RD), it's important to keep in mind that EA at Georgetown is non-binding, meaning you're not committed to attend if you're accepted.

In recent years, Georgetown's EA acceptance rate has been around 12-15%, while RD hovers around 13%, so there's generally a slight advantage to applying EA. While applying EA can provide a small boost to your chances of admission, it doesn't have as strong of an impact as an ED process might. It's still worth considering applying EA if Georgetown is your top choice and you believe you can put together a strong application by the EA deadline. This way, you'll receive an admissions decision earlier in the process and can still demonstrate your high level of interest in the university.

Ultimately, the decision of whether to apply EA or RD should be based on your readiness and confidence in your application by the EA deadline. If you feel that your application benefits from extra time to improve your GPA, pursue additional accomplishments, or polish your essays, RD might be a better option for you. In any case, it's important to focus on submitting the strongest application you can, regardless of the timeline.

11 months ago

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