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Cornell University: What's it less known for?

Hi guys! I know Cornell University has some pretty famous programs, but I'm interested in finding out what departments or areas are not as widely known but still high quality. Can anyone here give me some examples? Thanks a ton!

11 months ago

Hello! You're right that Cornell University is well-known for its strong programs in areas like engineering, hotel administration, and architecture. However, there are several other excellent programs that might not be as widely recognized but still offer a top-notch education.

1. Industrial and Labor Relations (ILR): Cornell has the only stand-alone ILR school among the Ivy League institutions. The ILR program focuses on human resource management, labor policy, and social issues related to work.

2. Fiber Science & Apparel Design: This unique program under the College of Human Ecology balances both the scientific and design aspects of the fashion and textile industry. Students study topics like clothing technology, functional design, and sustainability.

3. Viticulture and Enology: Cornell's College of Agriculture and Life Sciences offers a program focused on grape-growing and winemaking. With research facilities and vineyards in the Finger Lakes region, the program uniquely prepares students for careers in the wine industry.

4. Information Science: This interdisciplinary area combines computer science, cognitive science, and social science. Students explore topics like data analysis, user experience design, and the societal impacts of technology.

5. Public Policy: The Jeb E. Brooks School of Public Policy was recently created as the eighth undergraduate school at Cornell and is already known for its standout interdisciplinary approach to public policy and health care policy.

These are just a few examples of the diverse, lesser-known programs available at Cornell. The university's extensive subject offerings and resources provide a wealth of opportunities for students with various interests. Good luck with your research!

11 months ago

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