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Temple University: What makes it stand out?

I'm considering applying to Temple University but I'm not really sure what it's best known for. Does anyone know what makes it special or any flagship programs they have?

4 months ago

Temple University, located in Philadelphia, is a well-regarded public research institution that offers a range of academic programs and opportunities. Here are some aspects that make it stand out:

1. Diversity and inclusivity: Temple is committed to providing a diverse, inclusive environment for its students. With students representing over 130 countries, you'll find a rich cultural and academic landscape that promotes learning from various perspectives.

2. Strong business program: The Fox School of Business at Temple is one of its most prestigious programs, offering undergraduate, graduate, and executive education programs in various concentrations. It's renowned for its entrepreneurship and innovation, risk management and insurance, as well as its top-notch business analytics programs.

3. Media and communication: The Klein College of Media and Communication is recognized for its programs in journalism, media studies, advertising, and public relations. With state-of-the-art facilities and renowned faculty, students gain practical experience and knowledge in their fields.

4. Health and sciences: Temple's College of Public Health, School of Pharmacy, and the Lewis Katz School of Medicine offer strong programs in the health and medical fields. Additionally, the university's collaboration with Temple University Health System provides students with opportunities for research and clinical experiences.

5. Research opportunities: As an R1 research institution, Temple provides numerous research opportunities for undergraduate and graduate students. Students have the chance to engage in hands-on research experiences and work with faculty members on groundbreaking projects.

6. Urban location: Temple's main campus is in the heart of Philadelphia, which provides students with access to a wide range of cultural, networking, and internship opportunities. The city's vibrant arts scene, historical significance, and business centers add to the overall student experience.

7. Sports and athletics: Temple's Division I athletics program offers competitive sports opportunities, and the university has a strong culture of school spirit. The athletic teams, known as the Owls, attract support from both students and the local community.

These are just a few factors that make Temple University stand out. Be sure to explore the school's website, connect with current students, or speak with an admissions representative to learn more about Temple's unique offerings and to see if it's the right fit for you.

4 months ago

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