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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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DePaul University Reputation

Hi everyone! I've been learning more about DePaul University and I wanted to ask if anyone could share what it's best known for, whether it's academics, programs or extracurriculars. Any input is appreciated, thanks!

11 months ago

Hello! DePaul University is a private university located in Chicago, Illinois. It's known for its strong emphasis on areas such as business, communication, and performing arts. Here are a few things DePaul is well-regarded for:

1. Academics: DePaul has a solid reputation for its academic programs, particularly the Driehaus College of Business, which offers majors like finance, marketing, and entrepreneurship. Other notable programs include the College of Communication and the Theatre School, which is considered one of the best in the United States for theater and performing arts.

2. Location: The university has two main campuses: Lincoln Park and Loop. The Lincoln Park campus is more residential and offers a traditional college experience, while the Loop campus is located in Chicago's downtown business district, giving students access to internship and networking opportunities within the city.

3. Service-oriented education: DePaul is a Vincentian Catholic university, so emphasizing service and social justice is a core part of its mission. This is reflected in its curriculum, community engagement opportunities, and extracurriculars. Many students are involved in volunteer work and advocacy initiatives.

4. Internship and job opportunities: Owing to its location in a major city, DePaul students have access to a variety of internships, co-ops, and networking opportunities, especially in business, communications, and the arts. The university has strong relationships with many local organizations and businesses, making it easier for students to land these opportunities.

Overall, DePaul might be an excellent choice for you if you're seeking a balance between strong academics and a vibrant urban setting, and if you're particularly interested in business, communication, or performing arts. DePaul's focus on community involvement and social justice is a plus for those who want to engage with the world around them in a meaningful way.

11 months ago

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