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University of Michigan legacy acceptance rate

Hi all! Just curious, does anyone know if there's a difference in the acceptance rate for legacy students at the University of Michigan compared to non-legacy applicants? I want to know how much my legacy status might impact my chances of getting in.

11 months ago

While exact data on the University of Michigan's legacy acceptance rate is not publicly available, but the school does state that "legacy status is not considered as part of U-M's undergraduate admissions holistic review process."

It's essential to keep in mind that the University of Michigan is an academically competitive school, and your overall application, including your grades, test scores, extracurricular activities, and essays, will be what matters most in determining your admission outcome. Legacy status will not guarantee acceptance in any way. At the end of the day, maintaining a well-rounded, competitive application is the best approach to increase your admission chances.

It's crucial to focus on showcasing your academic achievements, extracurricular activities that demonstrate your passion and dedication, and writing compelling essays that make your personality and experiences shine through. Stay confident in your abilities and what you have to offer, regardless of whether your legacy status gives you a slight edge in the application process. Good luck with your application!

11 months ago

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