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Idaho State University's reputation for science programs?

What's up, everyone? I've come across Idaho State University in my college search, and I'm looking into schools that excel in the science field. Is ISU's science program reputable? Any current students or graduates mind sharing some info?

11 months ago

Hey there! Idaho State University (ISU) has a fairly solid reputation when it comes to science programs, especially in certain areas. For instance, ISU's College of Pharmacy and College of Health Professions have excellent programs and are well-regarded in their respective fields.

Additionally, ISU has the Idaho Accelerator Center and is known for its nuclear science program, which offers undergraduate and graduate degrees. The university also has a variety of science-related majors such as Biology, Chemistry, Geosciences, Physics, and more.

While ISU may not be considered the most prestigious institution when it comes to science programs, its hands-on approach, research opportunities, and smaller class sizes can be major advantages for students looking for a more personalized experience. Many students appreciate the chance to work closely with professors and get involved in research projects early in their academic careers.

In conclusion, Idaho State University might not have the same level of recognition as some larger or more research-intensive institutions, but its science programs are reputable, and the university offers a variety of resources and opportunities for students pursuing a degree in the sciences.

11 months ago

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