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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Arizona State University: Online reputation or not?

Hi everyone, I've been hearing about Arizona State University lately and I'm wondering if it's mainly known for being an online school? Please let me know!

11 months ago

Arizona State University (ASU) is indeed well-known for its online programs, but it is not only an online school. ASU is a reputable and comprehensive public university with multiple campuses across Arizona, including its largest campus in Tempe. It offers a wide range of undergraduate and graduate programs in various fields such as engineering, business, and the liberal arts.

ASU's online programs have gained a strong reputation in recent years due to their flexibility, variety, and quality of courses. The university invests heavily in its online offerings and is continually working to improve them. However, this focus on online education doesn't detract from the on-campus experience and resources available to students who choose to study in person.

In summary, while ASU is recognized for its quality online programs, it remains an established and well-regarded public university with multiple physical campuses that cater to both online and in-person students.

11 months ago

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