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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Campbell University's Strong Programs?

Hey everyone! I'm starting to look into some colleges and Campbell University came up on my search. Does anyone have any idea about what Campbell is particularly known for in terms of academic programs? Thanks in advance!

11 months ago

Hi there! Campbell University is a private institution located in Buies Creek, North Carolina. While it offers a wide range of academic programs, some of the notable and stronger programs at Campbell are in the fields of health sciences, pharmacy, and law.

Campbell's College of Pharmacy & Health Sciences is well-regarded, offering programs such as Doctor of Pharmacy, Doctor of Physical Therapy, and Master of Physician Assistant Practice. These programs draw many students looking to enter the healthcare field due to their strong curriculums and integrated clinical experiences.

Additionally, Campbell has a solid law program through its Norman Adrian Wiggins School of Law. The law school is known for its personalized attention to students and focus on practical skills like legal writing, advocacy, and trial practice.

It's also worth noting that Campbell has a liberal arts foundation, providing a solid general education and allowing students to explore various disciplines like business, education, engineering, and the arts before committing to a major.

As you continue your search, I encourage you to visit Campbell's website, attend open houses, and reach out to current students or alumni to learn more about the academic programs on offer and see if the university is a good fit for you. Good luck!

11 months ago

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