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U Michigan Early Action Acceptance Rate?

Hi, I've been looking into applying for Early Action at the University of Michigan. Can anybody tell me what their EA acceptance rate is like? Additionally, how does it compare to the RD acceptance rate? Thanks in advance!

11 months ago

Hello! Early Action (EA) can often give applicants a slightly better chance of acceptance compared to Regular Decision (RD) since colleges appreciate demonstrated interest and commitment. While the University of Michigan does not publicly release exact acceptance rates for EA versus RD, historical data indicates that EA acceptance rates at the University of Michigan tend to be moderately higher than RD acceptance rates.

For reference, in recent years, the overall acceptance rate at the University of Michigan has fluctuated around 18-20%. It's important to remember that acceptance rates can vary from year to year and depend on the applicant pool each cycle.

Applying EA may be a strategic choice if you are confident in your application materials and have the necessary components ready for the EA deadline (usually early November at UMich). Keep in mind that applying EA at the University of Michigan is non-binding, meaning that you are not committed to enrolling if accepted, which gives you more flexibility in choosing your college.

Ultimately, it's essential to ensure that your application is the strongest it can be, whether submitting it for EA or RD. Good luck with your application process!

11 months ago

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