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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How many applications does Northeastern receive?

I was wondering how many applications Northeastern typically gets in a year. Do they have a high number of applicants compared to other schools of the same caliber? Any information would be great, thanks!

11 months ago

Northeastern University is quite competitive and tends to receive a high number of applications each year. For the 2022-23 admission cycle, Northeastern received 91,000 applications for its undergraduate programs. The number may vary slightly from year to year, but this gives you a rough idea of the volume of applications they handle.

Compared to other schools of similar caliber, Northeastern does see a substantial number of applicants. For comparison to two other well-regarded schools in the Boston area, Boston College received around 30,000 applications and Boston University about 60,000 applications during a similar time frame. Keep in mind that these numbers can change annually due to various factors such as school ranking, popularity, and recruitment efforts, but they're more likely to go up than down, as college admissions across the board have been getting increasingly competitive in recent years.

Although the number of applicants may seem intimidating, don’t be discouraged. Rather, focus on submitting a strong application that highlights your unique qualities and achievements, as ultimately that matters more for determining your personal chances of acceptance than the total number of applicants. Best of luck with your college process!

11 months ago

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