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Best SAT formulas sheet to help me prepare?

Hey everyone, I'm trying to get a good grip on important formulas for the SAT. Does anyone have recommendations for SAT formulas sheets that helped them in their prep? Thanks in advance!

11 months ago

Hey there! It's great that you're looking for ways to prepare for the SAT. A good SAT formula sheet can definitely be a useful resource. While I don't have a specific formula sheet to recommend, I can suggest creating your own based on the areas you want to focus on.

For the Math section, focus on key areas such as linear equations, quadratic equations, geometry (like area, perimeter, volume), trigonometry fundamentals (sine, cosine, tangent), circle properties, mean and median, probability, and more. As you work through practice problems, you'll likely find which topics you might want to add to your customized sheet.

To create your personalized formula sheet, you can start by going through study materials such as official College Board SAT guides and Khan Academy's SAT content. Jot down the formulas you come across, and organize them by topic or frequency of use. This will help you easily refer to them while practicing and reinforce your understanding of the concepts.

The process of creating your own formula sheet can be a helpful learning experience because it forces you to think about key concepts and their applications. Plus, your custom sheet will be tailored to your specific needs and areas of focus. Happy studying and good luck on your SAT!

11 months ago

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