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How do I link my AP scores to my college application?

Hi everyone, I'm kinda lost here. I took a couple of AP exams and I'm not sure how to send my scores to the colleges I'm applying to. Is there some way to do it through my College Board account or do I need to go through a different process?

a year ago

Hello! It's quite easy to send your AP scores to colleges when you apply. You'll need to go through the College Board's website to do it. Here's a step-by-step guide to help you out:

1. Log in to your College Board account at

2. Once you're logged in, click on "AP Scores" on your dashboard to view your results.

3. On the AP Scores page, look for a tab/link that says "Send Scores" and click on it.

4. You'll be prompted to search for the college or university you want to send your scores to. Simply enter the name of the institution and select it from the list.

5. After selecting the college, click "Add" to include it in your list of recipients. You can add more colleges and universities by repeating this process.

6. Once you've added all the schools you want to send your scores to, click "Continue" or "Submit" to proceed to the payment page. Note that there's usually a fee involved for sending score reports to each college (unless you used a free score send option when you took the exam).

Take note that colleges may have different requirements regarding AP scores during the application process. Some may allow you to self-report your AP scores on your application and only require official score reports after you've been accepted. Be sure to check the specific requirements for each institution you're applying to, so you know when and how to send your official AP scores most effectively.

Good luck with your college applications!

a year ago

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