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Where should I study economics?

I'm currently a high school junior and really enjoy learning about economics. I want to research colleges with great economics programs - any recommendations out there? I'm hoping for a mix of prestigious schools and some underrated gems.

11 months ago

It's awesome that you have a passion for economics and are looking for colleges with strong programs in the subject. Here's a list of some highly-regarded schools for economics as well as less-known institutions with noteworthy programs:

Prestigious schools:

1. Harvard University

2. Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)

3. University of Chicago

4. Stanford University

5. Princeton University

6. Yale University

7. Columbia University

8. University of California, Berkeley

Underrated gems:

1. Williams College (liberal arts college)

2. Claremont McKenna College (liberal arts college)

3. Colgate University (liberal arts college)

4. Middlebury College (liberal arts college)

5. Wellesley College (liberal arts college, women's college)

6. University of Rochester

7. University of Virginia

Keep in mind that studies in economics can vary in focus, such as behavioral economics, policy analysis, international/global economics, and finance. So, as you're researching each school, pay special attention to how their program fits your specific interests in economics.

Remember, it's essential to consider factors beyond just the strength of their economics program when choosing a college. Think about location, size, campus culture, and financial aid opportunities to find the best fit all-around.

Good luck on your college search, and I hope this list gives you a starting point to discover schools with great economics programs that cater to your interests and goals.

11 months ago

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