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SAT: 720 math
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Harvard's Famous Sports Programs?

Hi! I've been trying to learn more about Harvard University, and I wanted to know - what sports are they known for? Is there a specific sport they generally dominate? Thanks in advance!

11 months ago

Hi there! While Harvard is not mainly known for its sports prowess compared to some other universities, they still have some notable sports programs with a history of success. The most famous sport at Harvard would probably be crew (rowing). Harvard Crew has a long history of success and a strong rivalry with Yale. This rivalry culminates each year in the annual Harvard-Yale Regatta, which is the oldest intercollegiate athletic event in the United States.

In addition to rowing, the Harvard men's basketball team has seen increased success in recent years, participating in the NCAA tournament multiple times and earning a couple of victories. Harvard ice hockey (both men's and women's teams) is also fairly competitive within the Ivy League and the NCAA overall.

While Harvard may not dominate one specific sport nationally, they generally have strong sports programs across various disciplines, as they compete in Ivy League athletics. Student-athletes are competitive but also maintain a strong emphasis on academics, as the Ivy League has certain limitations to ensure a balance between academics and athletics. So, while they might not be consistently dominating any particular sport, Harvard athletics still perform well and provide opportunities for student-athletes to excel in various sports.

11 months ago

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