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How does the college application process differ for music majors compared to other majors?

Hi everyone, my sibling is currently applying to universities as a music major, and I was wondering if the application process is different for them compared to other majors, like STEM for example. Are there any unique requirements or challenges music majors face during the application process? Any insight would be greatly appreciated!

a year ago

Hello! The college application process for music majors does have some unique aspects compared to other majors like STEM. Here are a few key differences and additional requirements music majors may encounter during the application process:

1. Auditions: Music programs usually require applicants to perform an audition, either in person or via a recorded submission. The audition is a crucial component of the application process, as it demonstrates the applicant's musical skills, technique, and potential for growth. Each school may have different audition requirements, such as specific pieces to perform or scales to demonstrate.

2. Portfolio or prescreening recordings: Some music programs require applicants to submit a portfolio or prescreening recordings before being invited to audition. This may include recordings of solo performances, ensemble performances, or compositions, depending on the program and the applicant's focus.

3. Music resume and repertoire list: In addition to a standard resume, music applicants may need to submit a music-specific resume that highlights their performance experience, awards, achievements, and training. They may also need to provide a list of their repertoire, which showcases the breadth and depth of their musical experience.

4. Letters of recommendation: Music applicants may need to provide letters of recommendation from music teachers or mentors who can speak to their abilities and potential as a musician.

5. Music theory or musicianship assessments: Some music programs require applicants to take assessments in music theory or musicianship as part of the application process. This helps the school evaluate the applicant's foundational knowledge and aptitude for the program.

6. Additional essays or personal statements: Music programs may require additional essays or personal statements that specifically address the applicant's musical background, goals, and passion for music.

7. Dual applications: If the music program is within a larger university, students may need to submit applications to both the university for general admission and the music program for program-specific admission.

The college application process for music majors can be more time-consuming and complex than for other majors, as it involves additional components like auditions, portfolios, and music-specific documentation. Encourage your sibling to be well-prepared for these unique requirements and to start the application process early to ensure they can meet all the deadlines and requirements. Good luck to your sibling on their applications!

a year ago

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