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What happened to Marlboro College?

Hi everyone! I came across Marlboro College and I'm trying to get a better understanding of whether or not it's still a school. I saw somewhere that it closed but is that true?

4 months ago

Hey there! Marlboro College was a small, private liberal arts college located in Marlboro, Vermont. Unfortunately, the college closed in 2020 and merged with Emerson College in Boston. However, I can still give you some insights into what Marlboro College was known for when it was still in operation.

Marlboro College prided itself on its intimate academic environment, with personalized education for each student. Known for its vibrant community and stunning rural setting, the college had strong programs in liberal arts and interdisciplinary studies.

One unique feature of Marlboro College was its focus on a hands-on, experiential learning approach. Students were encouraged to craft their own “Plan of Concentration,” which was a self-designed, highly individualized interdisciplinary academic program. The Plan culminated in a long-term project, similar to a senior thesis, and an oral examination. This approach allowed students to dive deeply into their personal interests and tailor their education to their specific goals.

Marlboro College also put emphasis on a close-knit community and collaborative learning. With small class sizes and faculty mentors, students had the opportunity to engage in active discussions and work closely with their peers and professors. The campus itself offered a picturesque environment, located in the gorgeous Vermont countryside, which inspired creativity and fostered a deep connection with the natural world.

As the college has closed and merged with Emerson College, you might be interested in checking out Emerson's offerings, as they have integrated some of Marlboro's unique attributes and the Marlboro Institute for Liberal Arts and Interdisciplinary Studies at Emerson. Emerson College has a similar commitment to dynamic learning and fostering a strong sense of community, with a focus on arts, communication, and liberal arts programs.

4 months ago

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