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Taking the SAT: which grade level?

Hey everyone! I've been hearing some people mention taking the SAT in different years of high school, but I'm a bit confused. When do students typically take the SAT? Is there a recommended grade level or time of year to do it? Any advice would be appreciated!

11 months ago

Hey there! Students typically take the SAT during their junior year of high school, though some may choose to take it earlier or later depending on individual circumstances. Here's a general timeline that many students follow:

1. PSAT/NMSQT: Take this preliminary exam in October of your sophomore or junior year. It gives you a feel for the test format and serves as a qualifying test for the National Merit Scholarship.

2. First SAT attempt: Most students take the SAT for the first time in the spring (March, May, or June) of their junior year. This allows enough time to review and prepare beforehand.

3. SAT retake if needed: If you're not satisfied with your initial SAT score or want to improve it, you can retake the test in the fall (August, October, or November) of your senior year. Keep in mind, though, that many early application deadlines fall in November, so you should plan accordingly.

Taking the exam in junior year ensures you have covered most of the relevant material in school and gives you enough time to retake the test if necessary. Additionally, you can use the summer between junior and senior year to prep for a retake or focus on other aspects of college applications (such as writing essays and gathering recommendations) without the stress of preparing for the SAT.

When choosing a test date, consider your personal and school commitments, extracurricular activities, and available prep time to ensure you can fully prepare for the exam. Good luck!

11 months ago

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