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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Tips on improving my chances of getting into college?

I'm starting to feel the pressure of applying to colleges soon, and I'm looking for some advice on how to improve my chances of getting accepted. What are some key things I should be focusing on during my junior year to make my application stand out?

11 months ago

During your junior year, there are several key areas to focus on that can help improve your chances of college acceptance:

1. Academics: Maintain a strong GPA and challenging course load in your junior year, as colleges heavily weigh your academic performance during this time. Aim for honors or AP courses if they are available and appropriate for your skill level. Your academic performance is one of the most important factors in college admissions.

2. Test Preparation: Begin preparing for standardized tests such as the SAT or ACT, if required by the colleges you're interested in. Allocate regular time to study and consider using resources like Khan Academy, CollegeVine's SAT/ACT prep tools, or local tutoring services. Take a practice test to identify areas where you need improvement and tailor your study plan accordingly.

3. Extracurriculars: Commit to extracurricular activities that genuinely interest you and demonstrate a clear passion or skillset. Focusing on quality rather than quantity, aim to reach leadership positions or accomplishments within a few activities. Colleges appreciate students who have a highly-developed specialty or "spike."

4. Summer Opportunities: Plan a productive summer before your senior year by participating in opportunities that align with your interests, like internships, research projects, summer programs, or volunteer work. These experiences can enhance your resume and show dedication to your passions.

5. College Research: Start researching colleges and compile a list of schools that are a good fit for you academically, socially, and financially. Attend college fairs, research online, and talk to current students or alumni to help refine your list. Keep track of requirements and deadlines for each school, including testing policies.

6. Letters of Recommendation: Cultivate strong relationships with teachers and/or mentors who know you well and can speak to your strengths and accomplishments. They'll be invaluable when it comes time to request letters of recommendation during your senior year.

7. College Visits: If possible, visit the campuses on your list or attend virtual tours and information sessions to get a sense of the school's atmosphere and culture. Demonstrating interest in a college can play a role in their decision-making process.

8. Start Drafting Essays: Begin brainstorming and outlining college essays during the summer before your senior year. This will allow you ample time to revise and get feedback from trusted teachers, counselors, or mentors. Stay authentic and avoid cliché topics.

By focusing on these key areas during your junior year, you'll position yourself well for the college application process and improve your chances of getting accepted into your preferred schools. Remember to maintain a balanced approach and not to neglect your mental health and well-being during this demanding time. Good luck!

11 months ago

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