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How can I increase my chances of getting into Princeton?

Hey everyone! I'm a junior and Princeton is my dream school. Do you have any advice on how to make my application stand out and increase my chances of getting accepted?

11 months ago

Hi there! Princeton is a fantastic school, and it's great that you're setting your sights high. Here's some advice on how to strengthen your candidacy:

1. Academics: Make sure you maintain a strong GPA, and challenge yourself with rigorous coursework, such as AP or IB classes. Colleges like Princeton will be looking for candidates who have consistently demonstrated academic excellence.

2. Test scores: Although standardized tests like the SAT and ACT are no longer required, strong scores can still benefit your application. Practice diligently and aim for a competitive score. Remember that other standardized tests, like SAT Subject Tests or AP exams, can also showcase your abilities in specific subjects.

3. Extracurricular activities: Develop a "spike" or a highly developed specialty in an area that genuinely interests you. Become deeply involved in a few activities, rather than spreading yourself thin. Aim for leadership positions or awards that demonstrate your commitment and achievements in these areas.

4. Essays: When writing your essays, think about what makes you unique and what experiences have shaped your identity. Make sure to avoid cliché topics and focus on telling a specific, personal, and compelling story. Demonstrate how you can contribute to the Princeton community through what you've learned from your experiences.

5. Recommendations: Cultivate strong relationships with teachers and counselors who know you well and can speak to your strengths and character. Give them plenty of time to write your letters, and provide information about your achievements and interests that will help them build a detailed picture of you as a candidate.

6. Research Princeton's programs: Familiarize yourself with Princeton’s offerings and values. Develop an understanding of what makes the university unique, such as its commitment to undergraduate education and strong focus on research. This will help you tailor your application to emphasize alignment with the school's values and show how you'd take advantage of their resources.

7. Apply Early Action: If you're confident that Princeton is your top choice, consider applying Early Action. It can provide a slight boost in your chances of acceptance, as the admissions committee can see your commitment to the school.

8. Seek out additional opportunities: Take advantage of summer programs, internships, or research positions to showcase your dedication to your field of interest. These experiences can strengthen your application and help you stand out from other candidates.

Remember that admission to elite schools like Princeton is competitive, but by focusing on these areas, you can put your best foot forward and increase your chances of being accepted. Good luck on your journey!

11 months ago

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