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Late applications in college admissions?

So I kinda messed up my college application schedule and I'm wondering if colleges accept late applications? Is this a common practice, or am I out of luck?

11 months ago

While missing college application deadlines is not ideal, you might still have some options. Here's what you can do:

1. Check for colleges with rolling admissions: Some colleges have rolling admissions, which means they review applications in the order in which they're received and continue to accept students until the incoming class is filled. These colleges generally have more flexible deadlines. You can check their websites to confirm the rolling admissions policy and see if you can still apply.

2. Look for schools with extended deadlines: Due to various reasons such as changes in application numbers or late application windows, certain colleges extend their regular decision deadline. Make sure to keep an eye on college websites or social media and news outlets for information on extended deadlines.

3. Reach out to college admissions offices: If there's a specific college you're interested in but have missed the deadline, it's worth contacting the admissions office to inquire about any possible flexibility regarding the deadline. While it's not guaranteed, exceptional cases might be considered on an individual basis.

4. Consider applying to colleges with later application deadlines: Some colleges have later application deadlines, typically in January or February, instead of the common November or December deadlines. Do some research to find schools with later deadlines that might be a good fit for you.

5. Wait and apply next year: If you missed many deadlines and you're not satisfied with the available options, you could consider waiting and applying in the next admissions cycle. Use the extra time to improve your application, gain more experience, or consider additional schools that may interest you.

Overall, while late applications might be accepted in some cases, it's essential to stay organized and plan ahead to avoid missing application deadlines. Good luck!

11 months ago

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