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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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When would I graduate college if I start in Fall 2024?

Just trying to plan out my future a bit. If I start college in Fall 2024, assuming I'm pursuing a 4-year degree, when would I likely graduate? Would it be Spring 2028 or is there a different timeline I should consider?

11 months ago

You're correct that if you start college in Fall 2024 and pursue a traditional 4-year degree, you would likely graduate in Spring 2028. The standard timeline for completing a bachelor's degree is four academic years, each typically consisting of two semesters: Fall and Spring. If you maintain a full-time course load and complete all required credits within this time frame, you should be on track to graduate in Spring 2028.

However, it's essential to recognize that the timeline for graduating can vary from student to student. For example:

1. If you decide to take summer classes or an accelerated program, you could potentially graduate earlier than Spring 2028.

2. If you need to take time off for an internship, study abroad, personal reasons, or need to complete extra academic requirements, you might graduate later than Spring 2028.

As you progress through college, you should work closely with your academic advisor to ensure you stay on track with your course requirements and to adjust your plan if necessary. Remember that everyone's college experience is different, and it's perfectly fine if your timeline deviates from the standard four-year timeline. The most important thing is to find the path that works best for you and helps you achieve your academic and personal goals.

11 months ago

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