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Best colleges for average students?

I'm a pretty average student and I'm starting my college search. What are some colleges known for providing excellent opportunities for average students, where I can still thrive academically and socially?

3 months ago

Finding the right fit for you is essential, even if you consider yourself an "average" student. Good-fit colleges for average students can offer excellent academic programs, a strong sense of community, and support services to help you be successful both during your college years and beyond. Here are some options to consider:

1. State schools: Public universities and colleges tend to have more flexible admission standards as they cater to a wider range of students than highly selective private schools. In-state state schools also offer more affordable tuition rates, which could be a significant factor for your choice. Schools like the California State University system and the State University of New York (SUNY) system are worth looking into.

2. Liberal arts colleges: Smaller liberal arts colleges typically offer more personalized attention due to their smaller student-to-faculty ratio, and they often foster collaboration and close relationships with professors. Examples of such schools include Denison University in Ohio and Goucher College in Maryland.

3. Colleges with strong support systems: Some colleges have unique programs and resources designed to support students. For instance, the University of Iowa has the IowaEdge program that focuses on providing assistance to first-generation college students.

4. Colleges with test-optional admissions: If standardized test scores are not your strong suit, consider applying to schools that have test-optional admissions, allowing students to showcase their strengths without being held back by test results. Examples include the University of Puget Sound in Washington and St. John's College in Maryland and New Mexico.

When searching for colleges, consider visiting campuses (in-person or virtually), talking to current students, researching academic programs and campus culture, and reviewing the available resources and support services. Make sure to choose a college that you feel will cater to your needs and interests, allowing you to thrive academically and socially. Good luck with your college search!

3 months ago

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