Hey y'all, I'm going on several college tours soon and I want to make sure I'm asking the right questions that'll help me learn more about the schools. What are some important questions I should be asking during these tours?
It's a great idea to have some questions prepared before heading out on your college tours! Here's a list of topics you might want to ask about, along with some specific questions for each category:
1. Academics:
- What is the average class size, and what is the student-to-faculty ratio?
- How accessible are the professors outside of class, and what types of resources are available for academic help (tutoring, writing centers, etc.)?
- Can you share some examples of research opportunities for undergraduates?
2. Campus Life:
- What is the campus culture like in terms of diversity, student involvement, and social life?
- How do students typically spend their weekends, and what are some popular campus events?
- Can you tell me more about the housing options for first-year students and beyond?
3. Extracurriculars and Involvement:
- What are some popular clubs, organizations, or intramural sports on campus?
- What are the opportunities for community service and volunteer work?
- Are there any campus initiatives for mental health and wellness?
4. Career Support and Internships:
- What career services are available to students (career counseling, job/internship fairs, workshops, etc.)?
- What is the process like for finding internships and research opportunities?
- Are there any specific programs or resources for networking and connecting with alumni?
5. Study Abroad Options:
- Can you tell me more about the study abroad programs offered at the school?
- How easy is it to fit study abroad into different majors and academic paths?
- What support is available for study abroad, such as scholarships and financial aid?
6. Financial Aid:
- How do students typically fund their education here, and what types of scholarships are available?
- Are there any work-study opportunities on campus?
- What is the school's commitment to meeting demonstrated financial need?
Remember that the more specific and tailored your questions are, the better information you'll receive. Don't be afraid to ask about your major, personal interests, or concerns. Additionally, make sure to take notes during your tour and capture your own observations and thoughts. Good luck, and enjoy your college tours!
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