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SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Do Senior Grades Count for College Admissions?

Hi everyone! As a high school junior, I keep hearing different things about senior year grades. I'm wondering if my senior year grades actually matter for college admissions. Can they impact my chances of getting accepted or even cause my acceptance to be rescinded?

a year ago

Hi there! Yes, senior year grades do matter for college admissions. While it's true that colleges make their decisions based primarily on your performance through junior year, they will still request your mid-year and final senior year transcripts to ensure that you maintain your academic rigor and performance. Here's how senior grades can impact your admissions process:

1. For Early Decision (ED) and Early Action (EA) applicants: Colleges will see your first quarter or trimester grades before making their decisions. Strong performance in your senior year can boost your chances, particularly if you're showing continued improvement or taking a more challenging course load.

2. For Regular Decision (RD) applicants: Colleges will typically see your first semester or first two trimesters' grades before making their decisions. A solid performance in your senior year shows that you can handle college-level coursework and are dedicated to maintaining a strong academic record.

3. Acceptance rescinding: While it's rare for colleges to rescind acceptances due to poor senior year performance, it can happen. Colleges may reconsider your acceptance if there is a significant drop in your grades or if they find that you haven't maintained the level of effort and dedication they saw in your application.

4. Waitlisted students: If you're waitlisted, your senior year grades can play a crucial role in your ultimate admission chances. Colleges will continue to review your application along with any new materials, including your final senior year transcript. Excelling in your senior year can help you stand out and increase your chances of being accepted from the waitlist.

In short, it's essential to keep up your academic performance and progress during your senior year. This not only impacts your college admissions chances but also sets you up for success in college and beyond. So, don't let senioritis get the better of you – give it your all until the end!

a year ago

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