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Gaming scholarships - any advice?

Hey everyone! I consider myself to be a pretty serious gamer, but I was surprised to find out that some universities give out gaming scholarships. Can somebody point me in the direction of a college or two where I might be eligible for gaming scholarships? Thank you so much!

10 months ago

Hey! It's true that some colleges and universities have been offering gaming scholarships in recent years. Schools with esports programs are the ones that generally offer these scholarships. Here are a few colleges to consider:

1. University of California, Irvine (UCI): UCI has a strong esports program and offers scholarships for top gamers in games like League of Legends and Overwatch. Their esports arena also provides a space for practice and competitions.

2. Robert Morris University (RMU): RMU was one of the first schools to offer gaming scholarships. They have scholarships for student-athletes who compete in their varsity esports program, which includes games such as League of Legends, Hearthstone, and more.

3. Maryville University: Maryville has a dedicated esports program and offers scholarships for talented gamers. They participate in various games such as League of Legends, Fortnite, and Overwatch.

4. Boise State University: Boise State has an esports program that offers scholarships to students who excel in games like Hearthstone, Rocket League, and more.

5. Stephens College: This all-female college has an esports team and offers scholarships specific to women in esports, with games like Overwatch being featured.

Remember that these programs are generally competitive, and you must maintain a certain level of academic performance in addition to your gaming skills. When considering gaming scholarships, it's important to still prioritize your academics and other activities. So, when applying to these schools, make sure their academic offerings match your other interests and long-term goals.

In addition, there are various external gaming and esports scholarships available not tied to specific schools. These might require an essay, video submission, or an application detailing your gaming experience and achievements. Keep an eye out for these opportunities when searching for scholarships.

To increase your chances of receiving a gaming scholarship, focus on improving your skills in the particular game(s) schools support, and also consider building a strong gaming portfolio to showcase your accomplishments. Good luck!

10 months ago

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