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Top small colleges for a psychology major?

Hello! I prefer smaller colleges over big ones, as I believe it provides a better sense of community and closer relationships with professors. What are the best small colleges that have a solid psychology program?

10 months ago

Hello! Smaller colleges can indeed offer a more close-knit community and personalized attention from professors. Several top small colleges and liberal arts institutions come to mind for strong psychology programs:

1. Amherst College: Amherst places a strong emphasis on research and close collaboration between students and faculty. The psychology department offers excellent research opportunities and the chance to do an honors thesis.

2. Swarthmore College: Swarthmore's psychology program is known for its well-rounded curriculum, emphasis on interdisciplinary study, and research opportunities for undergraduate students. The program is both theoretically focused and grounded in real-world applications.

3. Williams College: Williams' psychology department offers a comprehensive program with a range of courses and various opportunities for research, internships, and collaborative work with faculty throughout the major. The department is particularly well-regarded for its focus on cognitive psychology.

4. Pomona College: Pomona offers a strong psychology program, with opportunities to engage in research, honors projects, and independent study. Particular strengths of the department include cognitive and social psychology, as well as clinical counseling.

5. Vassar College: Vassar's psychology program offers a varied curriculum, hands-on research opportunities, and small class sizes to facilitate close interaction between faculty and students. The department emphasizes the connections between psychology and other disciplines to impart a holistic understanding of the subject.

These are just a few examples of small colleges with excellent psychology programs, but there are many other strong options out there, depending on your interests and preferences. Make sure to consider factors like location, campus culture, and extracurricular offerings in addition to the academic program when selecting a college. Good luck in your search!

10 months ago

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