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Is the College Board really a scam?

Yo, I've been hearing some people say the College Board is a scam, but I'm not sure what to believe. Can anyone provide some info on this topic? Has anyone had problems or issues with them? Thanks!

10 months ago

While the term scam might be a bit too harsh, it's understandable why some individuals have concerns about the College Board. It's important to note that the College Board is a non-profit organization responsible for administering exams like the SAT, PSAT, and AP exams, which are widely used in the college admissions process. Despite its non-profit status, the organization has been criticized for a few reasons:

1. High costs: Some argue that the fees associated with taking College Board exams, sending score reports, and other services can be prohibitive for some students. However, the College Board does offer fee waivers to eligible students in order to mitigate this issue.

2. Limited competition: As the primary organization responsible for administering college entrance exams in the United States, the College Board holds a near-monopoly in the space. Some argue that this lack of competition could lead to a lack of innovation and reduce the incentive for the College Board to improve its products and services.

3. Test design and scoring controversies: In recent years, there have been instances where the College Board faced criticism for the design of certain exams, scoring inconsistencies, or issues involving test security. While the organization takes steps to address these concerns, they can still undermine confidence in the validity of the exams.

Overall, it's worth considering the reasoning behind criticisms of the College Board, but it's also crucial to remember that its products and services play a significant role in the college admissions process. Therefore, it's important to approach the situation pragmatically and make use of the resources they provide, while keeping in mind any potential limitations or issues.

10 months ago

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