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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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Creative College Project Ideas?

Hi everyone! My high school requires us to do a college project this semester, and I want to do something unique and interesting. What are some creative college project ideas you've seen or done? I'm open to any suggestions!

10 months ago

Hello! It's great to see that you're looking for creative college project ideas. Here are some unique project ideas that will not only make your project stand out but could also be beneficial when applying to college:

1. Social Impact Project: Identify a social issue in your community or school, and create a project that addresses the problem. This could be organizing a charity event, initiating an environmental cleanup, or developing a tutoring program for lower-income students.

2. Entrepreneurship Venture: Start a small business or create a product that solves a problem. This can show your creativity, leadership, and problem-solving skills, in addition to demonstrating a strong work ethic and commitment to pursuing your interests.

3. Art Installation: If you're passionate about art, you can create a public art installation or collaborate with other students to create a community art project. This can showcase your artistic abilities and provide a platform for positive social change through art.

4. Research Project: Conduct original research on a topic that interests you. Present your findings in a paper, video, or interactive website. This demonstrates your ability to think critically, analyze data, and synthesize complex ideas.

5. Awareness Campaign: Start an awareness campaign on a topic that's important to you, such as mental health, environmental conservation, or cultural diversity. Design promotional materials, organize events, and collaborate with local organizations to create a lasting impact in your community.

6. Mentorship Program: Organize a mentorship program that connects upperclassmen with younger students. This can promote a supportive culture in your school and serve as an excellent example of leadership and initiative.

7. Podcast or Blog Series: Create a podcast or blog series discussing topics within your area of interest, such as technology trends, social justice issues, or college admissions tips. This can demonstrate your expertise in a specific field, as well as your ability to communicate effectively and engage an audience.

These are just a few suggestions, but feel free to take any of these ideas and adapt them to fit your interests and strengths. The key is to choose a project that you're passionate about and one that demonstrates your skills, initiative, and commitment to making a difference. Good luck with your college project!

10 months ago

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