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Community college credits and med schools

Quick question, fam. I'm taking some classes at a community college and planning on applying to med school later. Do medical schools usually accept community college credits for their prerequisites, or is that a no-go? Thanks in advance!

10 months ago

Hey there! Good question. Medical schools have different policies when it comes to accepting community college credits for prerequisites. Some medical schools are fine with accepting community college coursework as long as you meet their required course prerequisites, while others may prefer coursework completed at a four-year institution.

It's essential to keep in mind that medical school admissions can be competitive, and taking prerequisite courses at a four-year institution might be seen as more rigorous. Nevertheless, many medical schools understand that students have personal, financial, or other reasons for taking courses at a community college.

To ensure you're on the right track, research the specific medical schools you're interested in applying to and check their prerequisites and policies regarding community college credits. You can usually find this information on their websites or by contacting their admissions offices directly.

Remember, community college credits won't make or break your application if you have a strong foundation in other areas such as volunteering, clinical experiences, research, MCAT scores, and overall GPA. As long as you perform well academically and meet the medical school requirements, you should remain a competitive candidate. Good luck on your journey to med school!

10 months ago

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