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Good colleges in Washington, D.C.?

Hey everyone! I'm starting to look into colleges, and I'm really interested in attending a school in Washington, D.C. Can anyone recommend some good colleges in the area for a student who's not necessarily sure about their major yet? Thanks!

10 months ago

Hello! Washington, D.C. is a great place to attend college, as it offers a plethora of opportunities and experiences. Here are some reputable colleges in the D.C. area that could cater to a range of different majors:

1. Georgetown University: Georgetown is a renowned institution with a strong focus on a variety of programs. Popular majors include International Relations, Political Science, and Finance. It has a rich history and excellent resources for students.

2. George Washington University: GWU is another well-regarded school located in the heart of D.C. It has a wide variety of majors, including International Affairs, Business, and Engineering.

3. American University: AU offers an interdisciplinary and experiential approach to learning, with strong programs in International Relations, Public Affairs, and Communications. Its location offers access to many internship and experiential learning opportunities.

4. Howard University: This historically black college/university (HBCU) has a strong commitment to social justice and offers excellent programs in Business, Engineering, Health Sciences, and Liberal Arts.

5. The Catholic University of America: CUA is a pontifical Catholic institution with strong programs in Architecture, Philosophy, and Social Work, among others.

6. University of the District of Columbia: UDC is the city's public university. While smaller in size, it still offers a range of degree programs, including Business, Criminal Justice, and Education.

As you're not certain about your major yet, it might be helpful to prioritize schools with a good selection of programs and resources to explore different fields. Remember to consider factors such as campus culture, location, size, and financial aid offerings when making your decision. Good luck with your college search!

10 months ago

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