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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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When Do Most Colleges Start in the Fall?

Hey everyone! Quick question – when do most colleges typically start their fall semester? I know it varies by school, but is there like an average time range? I'm trying to plan some family events around the beginning of college and I want to make sure I have a general idea of when I might be unavailable. Thanks!

11 months ago

Hey there! You're right that college start dates can vary, but most colleges in the United States begin their fall semester in late August or early September. A common start date is the week before Labor Day, so you can generally expect classes to kick off around that time.

That being said, it's essential to keep in mind that many universities have orientation programs for incoming first-year students, which usually take place before classes officially begin. These orientations can last anywhere from a few days to a week. So, if you'll be a first-year student, you might want to consider the possibility of being on campus earlier than the actual start date of classes.

To make sure you don't schedule anything that conflicts with your college commitments, it's a good idea to check your college's academic calendar once it becomes available. Most colleges have their academic calendar posted on their website, and you should be able to find the exact start date for your specific institution there. This will help you plan more accurately and avoid any unforeseen scheduling conflicts.

Good luck with your planning, and enjoy those family events!

11 months ago

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