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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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How Early Can You Go to College?

I'm academically ahead of my peers, and I was wondering at what age could I realistically start attending college? Are there any special requirements for early admission?

10 months ago

It's wonderful that you're academically advanced and considering the possibility of starting college early. While most students begin college at 18, there are options for younger students to attend college as well.

Many colleges and universities have flexible admission requirements for exceptionally gifted students, especially if they demonstrate an advanced level of academic achievement. The minimum age requirement may vary from institution to institution, with some accepting students as young as 16 or younger in certain cases.

For early admission, you'll need to have completed high school or obtained a GED. If you haven't done so yet, you can consider seeking early graduation by completing your high school requirements in a shorter time frame or enrolling in a dual-enrollment program, where you attend high school and college courses simultaneously.

Additionally, you should be prepared to face the standard college admission process, including submitting test scores, transcripts, letters of recommendation, and essays. In some cases, colleges might also require additional documentation or interviews to ensure that you're emotionally and socially prepared for their college environment.

Keep in mind that attending college at an early age isn't the best fit for everyone, as the academic and social environments can be quite different from high school. Before deciding to attend college early, take the time to consider all aspects of the transition and explore your options. This might include attending more academically challenging schools, such as a specialized magnet school, or participating in summer programs specifically designed for gifted students.

In summary, it's possible to start college before the traditional age, but you'll need to ensure that you've completed the necessary academic requirements and are prepared for the challenges of a college environment. Research the specific policies of the colleges you're interested in and speak with your high school counselor about your options and the best path forward for you.

10 months ago

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