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Top selective liberal arts colleges?

I'm looking into liberal arts colleges right now, and I was wondering what the most selective ones are. I like the idea of a tight-knit community and strong academics. Can someone help me with a list or resources to find them? Thanks!

10 months ago

There are quite a few selective liberal arts colleges with great academics and a strong sense of community. To help you get started, here's a list of some top liberal arts colleges in the US:

1. Amherst College

2. Williams College

3. Swarthmore College

4. Pomona College

5. Wellesley College (women's college)

6. Bowdoin College

7. Haverford College

8. Middlebury College

9. Carleton College

10. Claremont McKenna College

Keep in mind that this list is not exhaustive, and there are many other outstanding liberal arts colleges out there. To explore further, you can use resources like the U.S. News & World Report's Liberal Arts College Rankings and CollegeVine's college search tool. These resources can give you more insight and information about each college, such as their acceptance rates, academic programs, and campus culture.

When narrowing down your list, consider factors like location, size, financial aid, and specific academic programs. It's essential to find a college that aligns well with your personal preferences, academic goals, and what you value in a college experience. Visiting the colleges' websites, attending virtual campus tours, and speaking to current students or alumni can also provide valuable insight into each institution.

Best of luck with your college search!

10 months ago

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