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Should I send my AP scores to colleges even if they're not perfect?

Hi folks, I'm in the process of submitting my applications and I'm debating whether or not to send my AP scores to colleges. Some of my scores are good, but a few are not as high as I'd like. Should colleges see all of my scores or just the higher ones? Thanks for your help!

10 months ago

The good news is that AP scores typically don't have a significant impact on college admissions decisions. Admissions officers are primarily looking at the rigor of the courses you took and the grades you received in those courses. In fact, many colleges now allow applicants to self-report AP scores on their applications, and they usually only require the submission of official score reports if a student is admitted and intends to enroll or use those scores for college credit or placement purposes.

If you have a mix of AP scores, it's fine to be selective about which ones you report on your application. Colleges understand that even high-achieving students may have a few lower scores, and they won't penalize you for that. Focus on sharing the scores that best represent your abilities and interests.

However, if you've earned a high score in a subject related to your intended major or you've demonstrated mastery through receiving several high scores, sharing those results can make a positive impression. In general, you should aim to report AP scores of 4 and 5, as these are considered strong performances. A score of 3 is still passing and can be reported, but it's less impressive than higher scores.

Ultimately, AP scores are just one piece of your application, and your transcript, extracurricular activities, essays, and recommendations will have a much larger impact on how admissions officers view your application. So don't stress too much about your AP scores, and focus on presenting the most compelling application possible. Good luck!

10 months ago

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