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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

What Is A Bad College GPA?

Hi there, I was just wondering what would be considered a bad GPA in college? Are there any benchmarks or ranges that schools typically view as insufficient? I want to gauge how I'm doing and make improvements if necessary. Thanks for any input!

11 months ago

From a college admissions perspective, the definition of a bad GPA can vary significantly depending on the selectivity of the colleges you're interested in. In general, a major drop or consistently low GPA may be considered bad, but it's essential to consider the context of the institution you're applying to and your specific circumstances.

For less selective schools, a GPA below the institution's average admitted students might be considered bad or underperforming. For example, if the average admitted student at a college has a 3.2 GPA, anything significantly below that, like a 2.7 GPA, could be considered bad. However, for more selective schools, the expectations may be higher, with admitted students typically having GPAs in the 3.5-4.0 range or even above. In those cases, anything below their average expectations might be seen unfavorably.

It's important to note that colleges often examine more than just your GPA. They take into account factors like course rigor, trends in your academic performance (e.g., improvements or declines in grades), and your personal circumstances. If you have a lower GPA, you may want to consider highlighting any extenuating circumstances, steady improvement, or a strong focus on a specific area of your studies in your application.

To get a better sense of the expectations at your target schools, research the profiles of their admitted students to understand the average GPA range. You can often find this information on a college's website, through their admissions office, or on platforms like CollegeVine. If you find that your GPA isn't where you'd like it to be, focus on improving your study habits and seeking support when needed. It's always better to identify areas for growth sooner rather than later so that you can address them and increase your chances of success in the college admissions process.

11 months ago

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