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Duke University
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Unweighted GPA: 3.7
SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


Low accuracy (4 of 18 factors)

Adding Colleges to CSS Profile After Submitting?

I've submitted my CSS Profile, but I just found out about a few more schools I want to add to my list. Is it possible to add colleges to the CSS Profile after I've already submitted it? If so, how can I update my information?

11 months ago

Yes, you can add colleges to your CSS Profile after you've already submitted it. To do so, follow these steps:

1. Log into your College Board account.

2. Navigate to the CSS Profile section.

3. Select the academic year for which you submitted the CSS Profile.

4. Under the "Next Steps" section, choose "Add a College."

5. Search for the college you'd like to add using its name or school code, and select it from the search results.

6. Review the school's submission deadline and any additional financial aid requirements. If you choose to proceed, click "Add This College."

7. You'll likely need to pay an additional fee to send your CSS Profile to the new college(s) you've added.

8. Once you've paid the fee, your CSS Profile will be sent to the selected college(s).

Keep in mind that it's essential to review each school's financial aid deadlines to ensure your CSS Profile is submitted in time. If the deadline has already passed, you should reach out to the school's financial aid office to discuss your options. Also, some colleges might have specific questions or requirements for their financial aid application process, so be sure to check their websites or contact their financial aid office for any additional information you may need to provide.

11 months ago

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