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SAT: 720 math
| 800 verbal


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What happens if you accept admission to two colleges?

Hey, I know that we can only choose one college after getting acceptance letters, but what consequences could occur if someone accidentally or purposely accepts admission to two different colleges? I'm curious about how universities handle this situation and if there are any penalties for the student involved.

11 months ago

If someone accepts admission to two different colleges, they could face consequences from both institutions. When accepting an offer from a college, students sign an enrollment agreement, stating that they'll commit to attending only the selected college. This helps universities manage their incoming class size and allocate resources properly.

When a university discovers that a student has enrolled at two different colleges, they will likely contact the student to seek clarification. If the student does not respond or can't provide a satisfactory explanation, the university may rescind their offer of admission. In less severe cases, the college might give the student the opportunity to choose between the two acceptances and withdraw their commitment from one of the institutions. This could result in the student losing their spot at one or both schools and forfeiting already paid deposits.

Additionally, a student's financial aid packages could be affected because colleges usually communicate with each other when determining aid. Financial support may be retracted, further complicating the student's college plans.

To avoid these outcomes, students should be diligent when accepting admission offers and make sure to only accept a single offer. In case a student is genuinely confused or needs more time, it's recommended to reach out to the colleges and ask for guidance or request a deadline extension if needed. Remember, accepting a single offer doesn't only benefit the universities but also helps other applicants on waitlists who eagerly await an open spot.

11 months ago

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