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Medical schools in Las Vegas - any experience?

I'm a junior right now, and I've been thinking about medical school. What can you guys tell me about medical schools in Las Vegas? What's the general reputation and are there any standout programs? If you've had any personal experiences, please share, it would be super helpful!

10 months ago

Medical schools in Las Vegas can provide valuable opportunities and resources for pre-med students and medical students. In particular, there are two main medical schools in the area: University of Nevada, Las Vegas (UNLV) School of Medicine and Touro University Nevada College of Osteopathic Medicine.

UNLV School of Medicine is a newer medical school that offers an MD program. It focuses on educating and producing physicians to serve the growing population in Southern Nevada. Due to its location in a dynamic and rapidly-growing city, UNLV offers diverse clinical and research opportunities for students in areas such as emergency medicine, cardiology, and psychiatry. It's important to note that this school is relatively young with its first class starting in 2017, so its reputation is still being established.

Touro University Nevada College of Osteopathic Medicine focuses on training osteopathic physicians (DOs) to serve the local and regional communities. This medical school offers a curriculum that emphasizes primary care, community health, and preventive medicine, integrating the osteopathic philosophy into its teachings. Touro has been around longer than UNLV, having opened in 2004, but it also has a more specialized focus since it's an osteopathic medical school rather than an allopathic one.

Both schools' curricula emphasize community involvement and hands-on experiences, which helps their students stay actively engaged with the local population and provides opportunities to dig in and gain experience during their training. They also offer exposure to the unique health challenges and opportunities present in Las Vegas and the surrounding region.

Before deciding on a medical school in Las Vegas, it's essential to weigh the pros and cons of each program and consider what best aligns with your career goals and priorities. Research the curriculum, rotations, residency match rates, and faculty at each school to get a comprehensive understanding of both the schools' strengths and potential areas for growth. Reach out to current students and alumni to gather insights into their experiences and what they find valuable about their respective programs. Good luck with your medical school journey!

10 months ago

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