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High school diploma or GED - which is better?

I was wondering if there's a significant difference, especially in terms of college admissions, between getting a high school diploma and getting a GED. Is one considered better or more valuable than the other? What are the pros and cons of each? Thanks for any advice!

11 months ago

In general, a high school diploma is considered preferable to a GED for college admissions. That being said, many colleges do accept GED recipients, and a GED can still be a viable option for continuing education. Let's look at the pros and cons of each:

High School Diploma:


- More widely accepted by colleges and universities.

- Provides access to a full high school curriculum, exposing students to a broader range of academic subjects.

- Offers opportunities for extracurricular activities, which can be a crucial part of the college admissions process.

- Allows students to build connections with teachers, who can write recommendation letters for college applications.


- Requires four years to complete, which can be an issue for students facing personal or financial challenges that may interfere with their education.

- Some students may struggle with the academic and social aspects of a traditional high school setting.



- Can be completed more quickly than a high school diploma, allowing students to move on to postsecondary education or the workforce sooner.

- Offers flexibility, as it can often be studied for and taken while working or dealing with personal challenges.

- Can still provide access to some colleges and universities, as well as community colleges and vocational programs.


- Not as widely accepted by colleges and universities as a high school diploma, potentially limiting postsecondary opportunities.

- Less opportunity for developing well-rounded extracurricular involvement, which can be an important factor in the college admissions process.

- May be perceived as less competitive for some college admissions offices, as the GED may not reflect the same level of academic rigor as a high school diploma.

Ultimately, both options can lead to postsecondary education, but a high school diploma is generally considered to be more advantageous for college admissions. If circumstances require you to pursue a GED, demonstrating strong academic performance in subsequent coursework, engaging in meaningful extracurricular activities, and obtaining strong recommendation letters can help mitigate potential drawbacks and increase the likelihood of college admission success.

11 months ago

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